Dakini’s Abode
"What we understand to be phenomena are but the magical projections of the mind…Better, then, to stay in silent meditation.” *
—Khandro Yeshé Tsogyal
Tibetan Buddhist nun, Solukhumbu, Nepal '96
“… ‘desireless, blissful wisdom
is the essence of all
desirable qualities, unobstructedly
going and coming in
endless space.’ This wisdom
is called ‘the Sky Dancer’,
feminine wisdom, the Dakini.”
— Thinley Norbu, Magic Dance
Solitude. Retreat. Dakini’s Abode.
To secure a proper environment for nurturing contemplative practice is so important. This fact is routinely voiced by contemporary Tibetan Buddhist masters and also illustrated by the life stories of accomplished practitioners. Khachod Dechenling Foundation understands that support is haphazard in America (akin to winning a lottery) for qualified practitioners—both lay and ordained—who wish to engage in solitary retreat. Hence we envision acquiring a country house and acreage (within a 3-hour commute from NYC) that can serve as a retreat venue for men and women keen to actualize selfless awareness. Imagine practitioners abiding in samadhi in the Catskills of New York much like the yogis in the mountains of Yolmo, Nepal or Tso Pema, India.
We also intend to establish a residence for empowering women who wish to study and practice the dharma 24/7, live a simple life, and ordain; a rinpoche (precious master) will be invited to serve as spiritual director. Ideally, there will be female practitioners-in-residence who attain mastery as supreme vidyadharas (holders of awareness) and others authorized as lamas (dharma teachers). This sanctuary for women engaged in contemplative training rooted in the rimé (i.e.,nonsectarian) spirit of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism would be the first of its kind in the U.S. A haven and playground for dakinis.
[Dakini is the Sanskrit term for a feminine personification of wisdom; in Tibetan, it’s khandro and used as a title of respect for highly realized yoginis.
A distinction is made between wisdom dakinis who are fully enlightened, and “ordinary” or “worldly” dakinis, who, though not fully enlightened, nevertheless possess spiritual power.] **
The sky-dancer image of Vajravarahi on this website’s home page banner personifies our sky-like awareness which is all-encompassing and indestructible. Vajravarahi is regarded as the root source of all dakinis and “fully awake”. The pig’s head protruding from behind her ear signals that she has conquered ignorance; Vajravarahi’s name (Dorje Phagmo in Tibetan) is popularly translated as “diamond sow.” With joy and gratitude, we reproduce here the mantric syllables invoking Vajravarahi that were handwritten by a most precious wisdom dakini at Rigdzin Druppe Gatsal Monastery in Pharping, Nepal (1998).
Semola Saraswati Rinpoche at her retreat center in Godawari, Nepal. (Photo credit: unknown)
Spiritual Advisor to Khachod Dechenling Foundation: Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche Pema Rigdzin (Photo credit: unknown)
The Foundation’s retreat property in the U.S. will facilitate income-producing activities that can liberate Khachod Dechenling from relying on fundraising alone (or the largess of any one benefactor) to implement its dharmic vision. Entrepreneurial activities might include:
Micro-farming; to cultivate a variety of vegetables and fruit on the land for sustaining practitioners in retreat and to feed staff and visitors.
Annual or monthly leasing out of cottage or barn on the land.
Managing a flower farm, apple or nut tree orchard in collaboration with a nonprofit entity or entrepreneur in the field.
*Lady of the Lotus-Born The Life and Enlightenment of Yeshe Tsogyal Translated by Padmakara Translation Group (Shambhala, 1999) p. 85
**Ibid. See glossary.