Happy Mzfits 

To be a mzfit in this crazy world makes sense.

Khachod Dechenling launched its initiative Happy Mzfits in response to the selfie syndrome; the lack of civility on social media; and winner-take-all mentality that continue to fuel the loneliness epidemic (and self-harm) in America.



For anyone aspiring to unlock the treasure of contentment, the foundation’s Happy Mzfits program offers guided meditation and in-person dharma teachings that differ radically from feel good “mindfulness” apps in intent, instruction, and practice. Buddha’s wisdom is our secret sauce, courtesy of Tibetan master yogis. A happy mzfit-in-training employs various means to actualize bodhicitta, the heart of the awakened mind…for the benefit of all beings!

The suppleness of the mind; how we “hold” or perceive phenomena and our ever-changing “I” is so important. To be free of clinging to a wrong view of self and others— what joy :-)

Urban Definition

mzfit. (noun.) 1. someone who doesn’t run with the pack; nonconformist. may wear the label “social misfit” with humor or disinterest. 'z’ in the spelling represents every gender and cuts through the self-conscious “i”. 2. thinks outside the box (or aspires to); is predisposed to look inward and explore matters of the mind and heart. 3. s/he is less attentive to worldly concerns; intuits that our senses are low tech. synonyms: maverick, iconoclast.

Note: the mzfit can be spiritual and not religious; unorthodox. “She’s my kind of girl,” the young lawyer whispered, nodding in the direction of the firm’s new associate; a pink-haired, bow-tied mzfit in cowboy boots.

A “happy” mzfit is keen to discover and abide by the mind’s true nature.

This nature is blissful. Uncontrived.

Tap into the vastness of the Mind.

…There is life beyond our phones.

Can you imagine?

Life beyond texting, ghosting, tweeting and scrolling!